Company Name : Red Noses Jordan

RED NOSES Jordan: Baseline Evaluation Consultancy

Job Description

RED NOSES Jordan would like to establish a baseline of the current conditions in the hospitals, elderly homes, and marginalized areas and crisis situations in which they work. The purpose of this baseline assessment is to:

⚫ Provide a point of comparison, and a benchmark for the impact of future programmes against the current programmes

⚫ Confirm that the programmes are the right fit for the needs of the target groups who RED NOSES Jordan want to support

⚫ Identify opportunities and risks, so that we can improve our implementation

Evaluation Questions Questions based on the OECD evaluation criteria

RELEVANCE . What are the greatest risks to emotional well-being, social inclusion, and supportive environments in the institutions in which RED NOSES Jordan is active? 2. Within these institutions, who are the most vulnerable target groups that programmes should consider, taking into account age, gender, and other factors?

COHERENCE . What national and international policies support the mission of RED NOSES Jordan? 4. How can RED NOSES Jordan best align and cooperate with other institutions and initiatives working towards a similar mission?

EFFECTIVENESS . To what extent is RED NOSES Jordan currently meeting its objectives? (establish baseline values for indicators) 6. What risks might prevent RED NOSES Jordan from meeting its objectives?

EFFICIENCY . How well is RED NOSES Jordan equipped with the financial and human resources required to reach its mission?

IMPACT . Might there be any unintended results – negative or positive – from the work of RED NOSES Jordan? With which groups and contexts does RED NOSES Jordan have the opportunity to have the greatest impact? SUSTAINABILITY . What opportunities are there for RED NOSES Jordan to create long-term change at the individual, institutional, and national levels? 11. What coming trends in healthcare, crisis management, and elderly care will affect RED NOSES Jordan? RED NOSES CLOWNDOCTORS International

Approach and Methods It is expected that the Baseline study will apply a mixed-method approach using quantitative and qualitative tools. In addition, it should use existing information and data sources. The evaluation team should systematically check accuracy, consistency and validity of collected data and information and acknowledge any limitations/caveats in drawing conclusions using the data.

RED NOSES strongly encourages the use of creative and innovative methods that are inclusive of cognitive diversity.

Stage One: Establish Indicators The evaluation team will work together with staff from RED NOSES Jordan and RED NOSES International as well as select partners to determine a set of simple, meaningful indicators of success. The RED NOSES Framework of Change, the Partnership Compass, and other evaluations and logframes will provide a starting point for this work.

Stage Two: Qualitative Exploration The evaluation team will continue with a series of interviews, focus group discussions, or some other creative method to include the voices of a diverse group of stakeholders. This qualitative information will be essential for answering the evaluation questions, and can also serve to validate the appropriateness of the chosen indicators.

Stage Three: Establish Baseline Values for Indicators The evaluation team will establish baseline values, using a transparent and easily replicable method. It is expected that a quantitative tool will be required for this stage, such as an observation checklist or a survey with closed questions. If feasible and appropriate, the use of a control group would be helpful, to allow for a more rigorous understanding of the added value of RED NOSES Jordan’s work. Stage Four: Validate Results The evaluation team will share the results with staff from RED NOSES Jordan and RED NOSES International, as well as external partners if deemed appropriate. The clarity and reliability of the results will be confirmed, and the recommendations and optimal action points discussed.


The evaluation is scheduled to begin in July 2022 and to be completed within six months, so by the end of December 2022 at the latest. This timeline is foreseen as follows: July 2022 Inception phase August 2022 – November 2022 Data collection November – December 2022 Validation and presentation of final report RED NOSES CLOWNDOCTORS International

Management The evaluation team leader will report to the Head of the Research and Learning Department of RED NOSES International. The evaluation team leader should be available for weekly or biweekly remote check-ins to update on progress.


⚫ Draft inception Report (due July 2022) o Overview of research methods o Data collection schedule o Location of site visits o All evaluation tools (interview questions, surveys) in Arabic and English

⚫ Final inception report (due mid of August 2022) o Revisions and suggestions from RNI taken into account

⚫ Draft evaluation report (due November 2022) o Executive summary with key findings and recommendations o All evaluation questions answered o Inclusion of the most significant stakeholders o Clear differentiation between findings, conclusions, and recommendations o Conclusions and recommendations based on findings o Information presented clearly and simply, avoiding unnecessary jargon

⚫ Final evaluation report (due December 2022) o Revisions and suggestions from RNI taken into account

⚫ Raw data (due December 2022) o All raw data collected as part of the evaluation (which will be the property of RNI)

⚫ PowerPoint presentation of findings and recommendations (due December 2022) o Clear and visually engaging presentation of key messages, suitable for a variety of stakeholders

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